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We work with communities, organizations and governments to improve land tenure security through inclusive dialogue and practice, and promote sustainable land and natural resource use. Read the latest news from Global Land Alliance and learn about how we promote sustainable prosperity for people and places.
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When women face barriers to accessing, using or controlling land and other resources around the world, it not only puts them on an unequal footing in life, but it also restricts wider positive social, economic and environmental outcomes.
While fully acknowledging the recent challenges of the global foreign assistance scene, Cadasta Foundation and Global Land Alliance (GLA) see the crisis as an opportunity to strengthen the global land governance sector. This opportunity calls us to focus on what we see as the ‘next generation of land governance issues’ that both confront old challenges and present new opportunities to formalize and protect individual and community land tenure while developing pathways to ‘sustainable prosperity for people and places’.
On March 5, from 15.00 to 16.30 CET, join the launch of a new study entitled “Collective Tenure Rights and Climate Action in sub-Saharan Africa”, jointly produced by FAO and the Global Land Alliance, with the support of the AIM4Forests programme. This new research aims to consolidate and analyze current evidence on how tenure arrangements, especially collective ownership and management of forests operating in complex systems of contingent factors, impact forest conditions and livelihoods of forest dwellers in sub-Saharan Africa. Based on this evidence, it also provides guidance on climate actions and investments that can improve these environmental and livelihood outcomes in forest areas.
Global Land Alliance is thrilled to share “Collective tenure rights and climate action in sub-Saharan Africa: What are priority investments in rights to achieve long-term sustainability of forest areas?”, a joint publication with FAO. The study on collective tenure rights and climate action in sub-Saharan Africa aims to consolidate and analyse the state of the evidence on how tenure arrangements – in particular collective ownership and management of forests operating in complex systems of contingent factors – impact forest condition outcomes, as well as livelihood outcomes of forest dwellers in sub-Saharan Africa.
Rights to adequate housing and the peaceful enjoyment of private property are fundamental human rights, but the accessibility and security of these rights are far from equitable or sustainable at the global level. Understanding and delineating this has until now been difficult. But data from Prindex have provided the first global, comprehensive assessment about tenure forms (e.g. ownership, rental, use rights) and the perceptions of insecurity associated with them across countries and population groups.
Global Land Alliance’s October newsletter, our Parcel Post, shares the latest news from GLA including: A launch of a new GLA policy paper entitled: “Securing Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities’ Land Rights in the Voluntary Carbon Market: Key Actions and Considerations”; Registration and more information for the launch of a new Prindex report on tenure security and property rights; An announcement of two new members of Global Land Alliance’s board of director. We are excited to share articles on these subjects with you here:
Did you know that approximately 1.1 billion adults worldwide—23% of the global population—feel insecure about their rights to property or land? This number has risen significantly over the past four years. As we approach 2030 and the deadline for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, it’s crucial to ask: Are we truly advancing in securing equal land and housing rights for everyone? The new Prindex report dives deep into these critical questions and more.
In our 10th year of operations, Global Land Alliance is excited to announce that Pranab Choudhury has joined the Global Land Alliance board of directors. Pranab has been working on interdisciplinary issues connecting natural resources, climate and local communities for more than three decades, with governments, civil society, academia and the private sector. Pranab Choudhury co-founded and leads Landstack, a global south think tank, that seeks to enrich and expand the land governance ecosystem with more information, institutions and innovations.
Global Land Alliance is proud to announce Faith Alubbe as the newest member of our board of directors. Faith is the CEO of the Kenya Land Alliance. For the last 19 years, she has been working with marginalized Communities to support them to identify and claim their rights.
Global Land Alliance's Shahd Mustafa, Malcolm Childress and Cynthia Berning were published in this month's journal of "Reviving Aleppo". Their article, entitled "Perception of Tenure Security, a Helpful Tool in the Recovery and Rebuilding of Post-conflict Aleppo", discussed the potential benefits of using Prindex as a tool for rebuilding and recovering the post-conflict city.
Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities across the world are affected by environmental, social and cultural degradation that are tied to the way land tenure is governed. In international discourse there has been an increasing focus to not just uplift the struggles of IPLC, but to make sure that their voices, sovereignty and knowledge have a seat at the table. The inclusion of Indigenous peoples in decision making processes and self-determination goes beyond consultation, the rights set forth under United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) obliges the free, prior and informed consent.
Today Malcolm Childress, GLA’s Executive Director and Audace Kubwimana, Africa Regional Coordinator of the International Land Coalition (ILC), signed a Memorandum of Understanding which makes official the organizations’ longstanding mutual effort to support and advocate for advancing gaps in land data and dialogues in the Sub-Saharan Africa.
Last week, Prindex Co-Director Anna Locke attended the India Land and Development Conference 2023: Land - People Relations: Diversity and Transitions, cosponsored by Global Land Alliance. She reflects on the conference, people she met, and the future of land governance in India. Special thanks to the Center for Land Governance and Pranab Choudhury for convening an important space for dialogue and collaboration.
Global Land Alliance acknowledges that we, as individuals and as an organization, benefit from the traditional land of the Nacotchtank and the Piscataway Conoy People working in what is now known as Washington D.C. As a core value of our mission, we believe that the Indigenous knowledge is key to advancing rights to land and resources.
In the summer of 2023, Global Land Alliance’s Brazilian team and Brazilian partners Torsiano Consulting set out to conceptualize how the Brazilian government could approach the designation of public lands in the Amazon. Our team analyzed the efforts currently underway by the Brazilian government how they are improving and accelerating public land allocation process, which will have dual-benefits for climate outcomes and rights for Indigenous People and forest-dwelling communities in the Amazon. The following article is a summary of the legal and operational analysis.
This week Global Land Alliance and Prindex formally signed on as global partners of the Stand for Her Land (S4HL). We look forward to collaborating with, supporting coalition partners from around the work to advance the vision of S4HL: to bridge the gap between law and practice for Women Land Rights.
Last week, Andrea Teran and Christina Kuntz from GLA traveled to Bolivia to meet with representatives of the Bolivian National Institute for Agrarian Reform (INRA), Inter-American Development Bank, Fundación de la Cordillera (FUNDECOR), and other consultants for GLA's work regarding environmental and social safeguards within the land formalization process, land administration process, and institutional capacity building in Bolivia.
Global Land Alliance has been selected by the European Commission (EC) to receive a €2.1 million grant to advance Prindex. It is part of an overall effort by the EC to advance land governance with the International Land Coalition (ILC), and underscores the importance of data on perceptions of land and property rights. This grant will further develop the global study which asks people how likely they think it is that they will lose their land or property against their will in the next 5 years.
We are pleased to announce that Global Land Alliance has joined the PLACE Community as the first PLACE Founding Member..
Earlier this month, Global Land Alliance’s Executive Director submitted an open letter, joining a collective voice promoting Brazilian State support for CLT initiatives, and influence representatives to take supportive measures to affordable housing and long-term community-building, development and/or guarantee of rights.
How do we better ensure that women are not left worse off after Land Tenure formalization campaigns? From February 21-25th, a Global Land Alliance team comprised of Laura Restrepo and Maribel Arguello visited the small villages of Tierra Grata and Chafurry in the Puerto Lleras municipality, which is in the larger Meta department of Colombia.
Global Land Alliance (GLA) participated in the international conference organized by Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Development, Water and Forests of the Kingdom of Morocco. The conference took place on February 22 and 23, 2023 in Rabat and was focused on the findings and recommendations of an in-depth report about the issues of land division.
The Government of Kenya, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), International Land Coalition (ILC) Africa and Global Land Alliance will host the the first-ever Regional Land Data and Digitalization Conference will bring together key actors in Africa and beyond to share good practices in data technologies and digitalization for the land sector
Global Land Alliance’s November 2022 edition of our Parcel Post contains articles entitled: Treaties, Indigenous Land And Resource Rights In The Great Lakes And Enbridge’s Line 5 Pipeline: Interview With Whitney Gravelle by Christen Corcoran; Treaties, Indigenous Land And Resource Rights In The Great Lakes And Enbridge’s Line 5 Pipeline: Interview With Aurora Conley by Christen Corcoran; Land Tenure Insecurity And Climate Adaptation: Socio-Environmental Realities In Colombia And Implications For Integrated Environmental Rights And Participatory Policy by Brianna Castro and Christina Kuntz; People-Land Relationships On The Path To Sustainable Food Security by Malcolm Childress, Pranab Choudhury, and Jolyne Sanjak
The 2022 United National Climate Change Conference (UNCCC) COP will be the 27th convening of this group and will take place from November 6th-18th. The stakes are higher than ever as a series of recent scientific reports has shown that global climate change affecting nature, people’s lives and infrastructure everywhere. Its dangerous and pervasive impacts are increasingly evident in every region of our world. These impacts are hindering efforts to meet basic human needs and they threaten sustainable development across the globe. (IPCC 6trh report 2022) The same scientific consensus shows a growing recognition of the role of land, land tenure security and forests in climate mitigation, adaptation and resiliency goals.
Fast, transparent and just compensation of losses and restitution of rights for land and housing property in Ukraine require actions now. Incorporating several critical amendments and adopting the Law on compensation of losses is the first of such steps. Equally important are swift rebuilding of government infrastructure on the de-occupied territories and clarifying the responsibilities for managements of abandoned and destroyed property. The legitimate right holders need to be informed about how to secure their property rights and how to report any losses. These and several other steps discussed below will help to rebuild Ukraine and prevent undue tension in all sectors of Ukrainian society.
Ovejas is a small, rural town in the Sucre department of Colombia, which is situated on the northern Caribbean coast. The majority of the land in this area has historically been used for agricultural purposes and, furthermore, has experienced decades of armed conflict, illicit crop cultivation, tenure insecurity, and forced displacement. Today, Ovejas and other rural areas in the region are moving towards a post-conflict context via various initiatives including the promotion of licit agribusiness models in addition to the formalization of land parcels.
In the recently published Land Tenure Security and Sustainable Development, edited by Margaret B. Holland, Yuta J. Masuda, and Brian E. Robinson, a diverse range of contributing authors, including Malcolm Childress, Moustapha Diop and Christina Kuntz, provide a unique disciplinary, sectoral and topical perspective
The work to shut down Line 5 to protect the Great Lakes and the climate continues despite spreading misinformation about the need for the pipeline. On July 28 join communities and stakeholders for this special virtual event, The Latest on Line 5: Key Pathways to Protect the Great Lakes from an Oil Spill Disaster.
In this new episode of the LandUP! podcast, we unpack the linkages between land tenure and land degradation. We spoke to Professor of Geography Dr. Jon Unruh, Country Program Manager Kader Baba and Researcher Anne Hennings about the emerging nexus between land tenure and Land Degradation Neutrality.
A new report “Opportunity Assessment to Strengthen Collective Tenure Rights in Forest Carbon Partnership Facility Carbon Fund Countries” published by Forest Carbon Partnership Facility and the World Bank, identifies pathways for strengthening collective land tenure rights of IPLCs and features detailed Carbon Fund country profiles.
GLA’s Malcolm Childress and Selina Carter and Fundação Getulio Vargas’s Edgard Barki were published in the academic journal Land for their article “Fit-for-Purpose, Private-Sector Led Land Regularization and Financing of Informal Settlements in Brazil”.
Global Land Alliance’s May 2021 edition of our Parcel Post contains articles entitled: “Honduras’ Overlapping Crises Have Their Roots in Land and Natural Resource Policy Failures”, “Perceptions Data Reveal Patterns of Tenure Insecurity in the Middle East and North Africa”, “Decentralizing Land Administration: Village Boundary Setting/Resource Mapping, Land Use Mapping and Community Sample Survey Activity in Indonesia”.
As we celebrate Workers’ Day tomorrow, hundreds of millions of the world’s poorest workers remain trapped in precarious poverty by land inequality and insecurity. Stronger rights and fairer access to land would give the most vulnerable – especially women – the solid ground they need to work their way out of poverty.
Global Land Alliance celebrates International Women’s Day 2021 and women’s rights to ownership and security of their land and natural resource rights. GLA strives to achieve sustainable prosperity for people and places; and gender equity is certainly a cornerstone of this work. Securing women’s land and property rights can increase agricultural productivity, incentivize the adoption of climate-resilient natural resource management and increase household spending on health and education. Conversely, when women face barriers to accessing, using or controlling land and other productive resources around the world, it not only puts them on an unequal footing in life, but it also restricts these wider positive social, economic and environmental outcomes.
Global Land Alliance and Cadasta Foundation are pleased to announce joint funding to, and collaboration with, Yayasan Puter Indonesia (Puter) to support a Village Boundary Setting/Resource Mapping, Land Use Mapping and Community Sample Survey (VBS-RM/LUM/CSS) activity in Labulia Village in the Jonggat Sub-District of Lombok Indonesia.
Global Land Alliance partners at the Urban Planning Department of the University of Lagos recently published a booklet entitled “Lagos Urban Planning: Debunking Myths & Stereotypes”, organized and compiled by Rethinking Cities Initiative and the Heinrich Böll Stiftung. Global Land Alliance congratulates and highlights this accomplishment to better understand key issues to tenure and property rights in Lagos.
Global Land Alliance’s October edition of our Parcel Post contains articles entitled, “Community Participation and Inclusion during a Pandemic: Recent Experiences from around the World”, “Prindex Finds One Billion People Worldwide Are Insecure About Losing Their Property: Now Is The Time to Push For Accountability, Transparency and Monitoring” and an interview with expert Grenville Barnes. We are excited to share articles on these subjects here:
Please join us on 12 November for an online event on land and property rights in East Asia and the Pacific. Secure land and property rights are crucial to economic growth and sustainable development. Improving tenure security is also important to the agendas of many global development institutions and donors working in East Asia and the Pacific. Until recently, however, there has been a lack of reliable data that is comparable across regions and countries.
In their recently published Storymap project, PlaceFund explores the way Prindex data can be used to create change. Drawing on the latest Prindex data and analysis, it does an excellent job in unpacking the Prindex finding that 1 billion people feel they are likely to lose their home or land in the next five years.
The Economist published an article entitled “The Quest for Secure Property Rights in Africa” authored by KHAYELITSHA, which cites Prindex comparative data; demonstrating that especially in Sub-Saharan Africa formal titling is not the only answer to tenure and property security.
On behalf of Global Land Alliance, Mónica Ribadeneira Sarmiento participated yesterday in a virtual forum organized by la Red Interamericana de Catastro y Registro de la Propiedad presenting Prindex methodology, uses and comparative data for the LAC region for the event "Catastro y Registro En la Pandemia y la Pospandemia". Miss the forum? Presentation is included below:
Miss the Prindex Global webinar on July 15, 2020 where we released data from 141 countries worldwide? Watch here:
July 15th Prindex Global released findings that nearly one billion people worldwide feel that they are at risk of losing their land or property. Thomson Reuters’ Zoe Tabary interviewed GLA’s Executive Director, and Prindex co-Director, Malcolm Childress on the importance of this data and continuing to cooperatively engage with local leaders, academics, politicians, land activists, and stakeholders around the world how to address the pandemic of insecure housing.
As we share the Global Land Alliance's 2019 Annual Report with you, we reflect on the core issues of security for land, shelter, and livelihoods that has been further underscored by the global COVID19 pandemic. These issues that GLA has been working towards since our founding six years ago. GLA continues to grow to advance sustainable prosperity for people and places in innovative and exciting ways, and continues to deliver this mission through a Reliance on our Alliance. GLA's alliance consists of individuals and organizations that share a common vision and mission.
Join us for the online launch of Prindex, the world’s first global survey measuring how secure people feel in their land and property rights, hosted by Land Portal. Having previously published data and analysis for 33 countries, Prindex is now poised to release its full global dataset of 140+ countries. The event is a chance to discuss the latest global findings and how they can contribute to a world where everyone feels secure in their land and property rights.
Cadasta Foundation and Global Land Alliance (GLA) are pleased to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on April 17th, 2020 to mutually support and advocate for land tenure security for vulnerable and marginalized communities around the world.
The current pandemic brings concepts of property to the foreground. Stay at home orders, social distancing, commercial closures, draconian border control, the interruption of air travel (to use just a few examples) are about how space is to be used, about new mandates for (most commonly) restrictions to commons, public, and private property, and often very intense social controversy over who gets to set the rules for property use. How property is understood and treated in the planning process will now be one of our key issues going forward. In Pandemics, Property, and Planning a global group of scholars reflect on the pandemic’s meaning and implications through the lens of land-based property rights and spatial planning.
This Earth Day marks the 50th Anniversary of a dedicated event to promote advocacy and education of environmental protection and our planet’s ecosystems. Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson established the first Earth Day event in 1970, which sparked Washington D.C. to adapt the Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act and the Environmental Protection Agency.
Global Land Alliance celebrates International Womens day 2020 in recognizing the intersectional leadership and action of women globally for land and property recognition. This year, we are highlighting unintended consequences of land tenure formalization that impact women involved in informal unions.
Global Land Alliance’s February edition of our Parcel Post contains articles entitled, “Securing Forest Tenure: GLA Partners to Pilot Forest Tenure Assessment Tool in three Countries”, “Out of Africa, on to Asia: The Land Tenure Journey of Dr. John Bruce” and “Terra Nova: A Sustainable Solution to Tenure Security and Recognition for Favelas in Brazil”. We are excited to share articles on these subjects here:
Global Land Alliance is hiring Prindex regional coordinators for the Latin America, MENA, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Southeast Asian regions. We're looking for dynamic, highly motivated and self-propelled consultant to engage with a wide range of regional stakeholders to increase engagement with the Prindex initiative
GLA’s Malcolm Childress was interviewed by Catherine Cheney for DEVEX on the launch of a spinoff of Omidyar Network called PlaceFund, spun out of the property rights initiative at Omidyar Network, the philanthropic investment firm launched by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar.
Global Land Alliance’s November edition of our Parcel Post contains articles entitled, “Do No Harm In Systematic Land Formalization: A Model For Social Risk Identification and Prevention In Dominican Republic Fragile Watersheds”, “Beyond ‘Ticking the Box’: Public Consultation as a Right not a Burden for Land Projects” and “Reviewing Existing Evidence of Perceived Tenure Security: Why Consistency Matters”. We are excited to share articles on these subjects here:
This past spring, Global Land Alliance and The Nature Conservancy began a partnership to complete an analysis of legal access to freshwater rights and resources in Colombia and Ecuador, as well as prepared and scoped for a full analysis to take place in early 2020 in Gabon, Angola and Brazil.
Curitiba, Brazil – Terra Nova, an organization that documents land ownership in order to improve quality of life in Brazilian settlements, and Global Land Alliance announced today a partnership to scale a proven model for mediating between land owners and favela occupants in Brazil and to develop a historical database for research purposes
Global Land Alliance, with its Dominican partner Fundacion REDDOM and expert technical assistance from Colombia Rural of Bogota and VIDENZA Consultores of Peru, recently completed a study for the Government of the Dominican Republic’s Unidad Técnica Ejecutora de Proyectos Agroforestales (UTEPDA) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
In her documentary film PUSH, Leilani Farha, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing, reveals the human toll that global gentrification trends are taking, by capturing the personal testaments of those living in cities around the world who are experiencing the particular kind of housing insecurity that results from these trends.
¿Cuál es la Percepción en Honduras del Derecho de tenencias? Global Land Alliance participated in a forum at the Observatorio Universitario de Ordenamiento Territorial Faculty of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras (UNAH) this past Tuesday.
El mes pasado, Global Land Alliance y REDDOM se reunieron con miembros de la comunidad en la cuenca de Hondo Valle en la República Dominicana.
The Charles Koiner Center for Urban Farming (CKC), a local land trust dedicated to protecting urban land for the purpose of agriculture and education run by Global Land Alliance Associate Hannah Sholder and partner Kate Medina.
Global Land Alliance is proud to have worked with USAID Colombia, the Colombian National Land Agency and TetraTech to conceptualize and design the first systematic parcel sweep (barrido predial) in the municipality of Ovejas which is being utilized as the model case for future government and USAID efforts in securing land rights as part of the Colombia Peace Process.
National Bureau of Statistics in Tanzania's May newsletter demonstrates the important of Prindex data in assessing women's perceptions of tenure security.
Last month, 35 community leaders from 10 countries across the Global South gathered in Puerto Rico to learn about Community Land Trusts (CLTs)
Under contract with the World Bank office in Afghanistan Global Land Alliance conducted a Rapid Institutional Capacity Assessment (RICA) of the Afghanistan Land Authority (ARAZI).
During the 2019 World Bank Conference for Land and Poverty, an Analytical Framework for the Securing Forest Tenure Rights for Rural Development initiative was launched
“Monitoring is a tool that must be yoked to a process of action and mobilization to be effective… The point is transformative change” -Malcolm Childress for the 33 Country Data Launch of Prindex on March 25th on the sidelines of the World Bank Conference for Land and Poverty. Visit prindex.net for the full reports and comparative data.
We are excited to share with you Global Land Alliance's 2018 Annual Report. Since beginning operations five years ago, Global Land Alliance has committed itself to promote sustainable prosperity for people and places. We are grateful for your continuing support and collaboration, and we look forward to our next five years in alliance with you to change the trends on global land issues for a sustainable, inclusive and prosperous future.
Policymakers in countries like Tanzania have been looking at Prindex data to inform their thinking on land tenure security for some time. Now, the United States has become the first country to officially adopt Prindex as a measure of its success in meeting a key land-related Sustainable Development Goal (SDG).
Happy International Women’s Day Women’s access to land, safeguarding’ women’s roles & rights before, during, and after formalization, and empowering women to become local advocates for land rights is a critical intersection of Global Land Alliance’s engagements.
Fiers de soutenir ce forum sur la politique foncière au Sénégal aujourd’hui avec IPAR ThinkTank et ILC Afrique, où nous partageons les résultats du Prindex avec des responsables politiques et des journalistes.
As part of the Integrated Land and Resource Governance (ILRG) under USAID’s second Strengthening Tenure and Resource Rights project (STARR 2), Global Land Alliance, led by Cynthia Berning, teamed with TetraTech to think through how to best measure the results of the capacity development activities that are part of the project
Today, Malcolm Childress is speaking at the University of Twente in the Netherlands on land governance challenges and opportunities related to climate, urbanization and social justice.
Colombia Rural, Global Land Alliance partner, under the leadership of Margarita Varón Perea, introduced policy to the Corte Constitucional in Colombia this past Friday (2/8/2019) during a Public Hearing on Land Regime and Land Reform.
Save the date! If you’re going to be in Washington DC on 25 March for the World Bank’s Land and Poverty conference, join Prindex, Gallup, Omidyar Network and DFID for a reception to launch our second wave of data measuring perceptions of land rights & tenure security
Adam Benjamin presented a collaborative UAV exercise between the University of Florida’s Geomatics Program, Forest County Potawatomi Community’s Land and Natural Resources Division and Global Land Alliance at #ASPRS2019 this week.
Check out the Global Land Alliance January Parcel Post newsletter!
Global Land Alliance is supporting the Government of the Dominican Republic’s Agroforestry project, funded by the Inter-American Development Bank. GLA is developing an audit procedure and rules for the monitoring and verification of land tenure clarification
Are you a policymaker, civil servant, advocate or researcher interested in land and from one of the first 15 countries in which we have collected data? Join us on Wednesday, November 28th
We are so busy in 2018 we almost forgot to send you our Annual Report for 2017, but there is a lot to share and we very pleased to share our 2017 Annual Report with you.
Have you registered for the Prindex Webinar, moderated by Global Land Alliance’s Director Malcolm Childress, cohosted by Land Portal yet?
Excited to announce that Global Land Alliance has moved to a new office, proudly co-locating with Cadasta Foundation! Come by and say hello!
Global Land Alliance’s partner organization Catalytic Communities completed an exchange this past August with leaders of Puerto Rico’s Caño Martín Peña favela community to strengthen support and knowledge exchange for Communal Land Tenure.
Global Land Alliance recognizes and celebrates the intersectional leadership on International Day of Rural Women
The CLT Center joins community leaders from across the US and world as participants in Intersections 2018, hosted by Grounded Solutions Network happening October 1-4th. Excited to build partnerships and knowledge sharing in lasting affordability, community land trust, diversity, equity, inclusion and sustainability.
“Researchers, policymakers, donors, and citizens the world over will have access to data that gives all of us a truly global picture of what we believe to be an urgent challenge of the 21st century: insecure land and property rights.”
Malcolm Childress and the rest of the Prindex Global team in action as they launch unprecedented data on perceptions of property rights from 15 countries in Rome, Italy.
Global Land Alliance partner Patricia Chaves of Espacio Feminista shared at the Global Land Forum 2018 today that the global meeting in Bandung, Indonesia underscores the need to have such a global network.
Landesa published a document today which validates and offers a replication model of a collaboration between Espaço Feminista, Landesa, and Global Land Alliance to strenthen women’s land rights through local, women-led processes.
Global Land Alliance began work with the Comité Interministériel d’Aménagement du Territoire (CIAT) on a study to examine the relationship between land tenure security and agricultural land use in Haiti
A pesar de la importancia de los derechos de tenencia sobre la tierra, en realidad no sabemos cuántas personas en el mundo sufren de la falta de un acceso seguro y equitativo a la tierra y la vivienda, así como dónde se concentran estas carencias.
We are excited to be a part of the collaborative efforts on community led housing solutions.
Global Land Alliance (GLA), in collaboration with professors from the University of Florida’s Geomatics Department and the Forest County Potawatomi Community Land Information Department, conducted a hands-on, technical demonstration in northern Wisconsin this past June, 2018
Margarita Varón of Colombia Rural, a proud partner of Global Land Alliance, was interviewed for CUMBRE.
David Ameyaw was published in a blog for This is Place today entitled “Need better property rights and land tenure security data? Build in-country partnerships” on the multitude of benefits and sustainability of country engagement.
Global Land Alliance have participated in the World Bank's 19th annual Conference on Land and Poverty, which presented the latest research and practice on the diversity of reforms, interventions, and innovations in the land sector around the world. The 2018 conference theme was 'Land Governance in an Interconnected World'.
On March 5, 2025, the FAO and the Global Land Alliance launched an important study titled Collective Tenure Rights and Climate Action in sub-Saharan Africa. This study consolidates extensive research on how collective land tenure arrangements impact forest conditions, biodiversity, and the livelihoods of Indigenous peoples and local communities across the region. The findings are particularly relevant as climate action and sustainable development increasingly depend on securing land tenure rights for these communities.