While fully acknowledging the recent challenges of the global foreign assistance scene, Cadasta Foundation and Global Land Alliance (GLA) see the crisis as an opportunity to strengthen the global land governance sector.

This opportunity calls us to focus on what we see as the ‘next generation of land governance issues’ that both confront old challenges and present new opportunities to formalize and protect individual and community land tenure while developing pathways to ‘sustainable prosperity for people and places’

These issues include:

  • Strengthening national, local and community level governance effectiveness and responsiveness to land holders through policy, legal and institutional transformation;

  • Recognizing and protecting of indigenous and local community land rights, strengthening community resource governance and ensuring resource-based community prosperity;

  • Developing and implementing ‘land rights from the start’ standards and strategies to link communities with carbon financing opportunities and deals;

  • Building government and community capacity for effective collection, management, use and dissemination of geospatial land information; 

  • Broadening understanding and implementing institutional and social behavior change interventions to support broad-based land governance; 

  • Mobilizing land-based revenues and promoting the use of revenue for public services through improved public financial management;

  • Fostering women’s knowledge of their land tenure-related roles, rights and responsibilities to counter individual unawareness and institutional and cultural indifference; 

  • Developing strategies and opening pathways to increase youth access to land for productive use, investment and growth;

  • Forming government/community partnerships in participatory land use planning and physical development to improve the climate resilience and livability of informal urban spaces; and

  • Utilizing technology and innovation for boundary delimitation and community land use planning and decision-making.

As Cadasta and GLA seek to research and address these topics in Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia and Africa from a policy, technical and operational perspective, we are calling land governance specialists with experience in various countries and with various job skill sets (Communications and Knowledge Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, Project Management, etc.) to join our associate/consultant roster to both respond to on-going requests for services and to drive the conceptualization, design and management of future grant and project initiatives. 

If you share our interest in these topics, please send your CV with a short statement highlighting topics and skill sets of key interest/experience and noting countries of experience.  While there are no immediate positions/assignments, we are eager to be aware of and collaborate with individuals ready to be more impactful in the land governance topics that are most relevant for our times.


Global Land Alliance celebrates International Women’s Day 2025


Virtual launch event – Collective tenure rights and climate action in sub-Saharan Africa