GLA welcomes Faith Alubbe to our Board of Directors

Global Land Alliance is proud to announce Faith Alubbe as the newest member of our board of directors.

Faith Alubbe is the CEO of the Kenya Land Alliance.  For the last 19 years, she has been working with marginalized Communities to support them to identify and claim their rights. She began her career advocating around issues affecting the urban vulnerable poor communities, due to her background and upbringing, and eventually learned more about the Land Justice agenda. 

She is an outspoken Human Rights Lawyer, a Land Justice Advocate and the first female Chief Executive Officer at the Kenya Land Alliance (KLA), after 22 years of inception. KLA is a not-for-profit and non-partisan umbrella network of Civil Society Organizations’ (CSOs) and individuals committed to effective advocacy for the reform of policies and laws governing land in Kenya. KLA convenes the ARDHI (Land) Caucus- a MSP that brings together State and Non State Actors who work on matters Land in Kenya.

Faith also Chairs the Energy Governance Platform; an alliance that brings together 17 organizations to advance the just energy transitions agenda in Kenya. She's also sits in the Board of YILAA (Youth& Land) and in the Board of the Wangu Kanja Foundation (SGBV Issues). Previously, she has worked at the Kenya Human Rights Commission on Transitional Justice issues and at the Federation of Women Lawyers as a Gender Justice Advocate.

We look forward to her stewardship and leadership of Global Land Alliance in our mission of sustainable prosperity for people and places. 


GLA Welcomes Pranab Choudhury to our Board of Directors


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