the latest from Global Land Alliance: our programs, our partners and how we promote sustainable PROSPERITY of people and places
Global Land Alliance Become Global Partners of the Stand for Her Land Campaign
This week Global Land Alliance and Prindex formally signed on as global partners of the Stand for Her Land (S4HL). We look forward to collaborating with, supporting coalition partners from around the work to advance the vision of S4HL: to bridge the gap between law and practice for Women Land Rights.
GLA Team Support for Environmental and Social Safeguards in Bolivia
Last week, Andrea Teran and Christina Kuntz from GLA traveled to Bolivia to meet with representatives of the Bolivian National Institute for Agrarian Reform (INRA), Inter-American Development Bank, Fundación de la Cordillera (FUNDECOR), and other consultants for GLA's work regarding environmental and social safeguards within the land formalization process, land administration process, and institutional capacity building in Bolivia.
Announcement: GLA has joined Place Community as the first Founding Member
We are pleased to announce that Global Land Alliance has joined the PLACE Community as the first PLACE Founding Member..
Gender-Based Violence and Land Formalization in Colombia
How do we better ensure that women are not left worse off after Land Tenure formalization campaigns? From February 21-25th, a Global Land Alliance team comprised of Laura Restrepo and Maribel Arguello visited the small villages of Tierra Grata and Chafurry in the Puerto Lleras municipality, which is in the larger Meta department of Colombia.
GLA Participates in Moroccan Land Conference
Global Land Alliance (GLA) participated in the international conference organized by Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Development, Water and Forests of the Kingdom of Morocco. The conference took place on February 22 and 23, 2023 in Rabat and was focused on the findings and recommendations of an in-depth report about the issues of land division.
The First Regional Land Data And Digitization Conference
The Government of Kenya, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), International Land Coalition (ILC) Africa and Global Land Alliance will host the the first-ever Regional Land Data and Digitalization Conference will bring together key actors in Africa and beyond to share good practices in data technologies and digitalization for the land sector
GLA Supports Post-Conflict Towns in Colombia on Tenure Security and Enhancing Livelihood
Ovejas is a small, rural town in the Sucre department of Colombia, which is situated on the northern Caribbean coast. The majority of the land in this area has historically been used for agricultural purposes and, furthermore, has experienced decades of armed conflict, illicit crop cultivation, tenure insecurity, and forced displacement. Today, Ovejas and other rural areas in the region are moving towards a post-conflict context via various initiatives including the promotion of licit agribusiness models in addition to the formalization of land parcels.
GLA's Victor Endo - Gestión del suelo y formalización de la propiedad urbana en el Perú
GLA’s Victor Endo- “Planificando la vivienda del futuro” del Programa de intercambio de conocimiento Vivienda Sostenible Para Todos, del Banco Mundial.
Seven takeaways from the 2022 Global Land Forum
Last week, the International Land Coalition (ILC) hosted its 9th Global Land Forum in Jordan - the first large in-person meeting of the land community for three years. The main focus of the Forum was on the climate crisis and the role of strong land rights in adapting to and mitigating climate change. However, it also focused on those issues traditionally championed by those working on land rights: gender equality and social inclusion, peace-building, food security, tenure security, land governance and the continued plight of those defending land rights and the environment.
ICYMI: Video Recording of "Invisible and Excluded" Webinar - Spanish, French, Portuguese Subtitles Available
Thanks to all who participated in Land Portal and Global Land Alliance’s webinar “Invisible and Excluded: Risks To Informal Wives And Partners From Land Tenure Formalization And Titling Campaigns In Latin America”. We hope to continue to raise awareness on risks to informal wives during land tenure formalization campaigns. The webinar builds off of Global Land Alliance’s paper Invisible and Excluded: Risks to Informal Spouses from Land Tenure Formalization and Titling Campaigns,
Global Land Alliance Parcel Post - March 2022
Global Land Alliance’s March 2022 edition of our Parcel Post contains articles entitled: “Invisible And Excluded: Risks To Informal Wives And Partners From Land Tenure Formalization And Titling Campaigns In Latin America”, by Jen Duncan, Laura Bermudez, and Kevin Barthel; “Indigenous Land Defense at Peehee Mu’huh: “Green Energy" Demands Encroach on Paiute and Shoshone Territory” by Christen Corcoran;
International Women's Day 2022 - Women’s Land Rights and Formalization Campaigns Evidence shows high levels of risk for women to be “Invisible and Excluded”
International Womens Day 2022. Land rights formalization and titling campaigns have improved land tenure security for millions of rural people over the past decades. But while many have benefitted, others have been left out, and risks are often highest for women.
Webinar Event - Invisible and Excluded: Risks to Informal Spouses from Land Tenure Formalization and Titling Campaigns
The Global Land Alliance (GLA) and the Land Portal Foundation invite you to join this webinar on 16 March, 2022 to learn about the risks to informal wives during land tenure formalization campaigns.
GLA Partner Dr. Taibat Lawanson on Africa's Urbanization for WaPo
The Washington Post published an article on Nov 19, 2021 highlighting Africa’s rapid urbanization rates projected between now and 2100. GLA and Prindex’s partner Dr. Taibat Lawanson of the University of Lagos was cited in the article:
Collaboration between Policy and Technology is Key: Takeaways from 2021 Inter-American Conference on Cadastre and Property Registry
From Nov 2nd to 3rd 2021, Global Land Alliance’s Victor Endo and Monica Ribadeneira Sarmiento were in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic participating in the seventh Inter-American Conference on Cadastre and Property Registry (original language “Conferencia Interamericana de Catastro y Registro de la Propiedad”) known as CatConf2021.
GLA Celebrates International Women's Day 2021
Global Land Alliance celebrates International Women’s Day 2021 and women’s rights to ownership and security of their land and natural resource rights. GLA strives to achieve sustainable prosperity for people and places; and gender equity is certainly a cornerstone of this work. Securing women’s land and property rights can increase agricultural productivity, incentivize the adoption of climate-resilient natural resource management and increase household spending on health and education. Conversely, when women face barriers to accessing, using or controlling land and other productive resources around the world, it not only puts them on an unequal footing in life, but it also restricts these wider positive social, economic and environmental outcomes.
50th Anniversary of Earth Day
This Earth Day marks the 50th Anniversary of a dedicated event to promote advocacy and education of environmental protection and our planet’s ecosystems. Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson established the first Earth Day event in 1970, which sparked Washington D.C. to adapt the Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act and the Environmental Protection Agency.
Social Risk Engagement with Communities in Dominican Republic
El mes pasado, Global Land Alliance y REDDOM se reunieron con miembros de la comunidad en la cuenca de Hondo Valle en la República Dominicana.
GLA Supports Post-Conflict Colombian Municipality turned Model Case for Land Reform
Global Land Alliance is proud to have worked with USAID Colombia, the Colombian National Land Agency and TetraTech to conceptualize and design the first systematic parcel sweep (barrido predial) in the municipality of Ovejas which is being utilized as the model case for future government and USAID efforts in securing land rights as part of the Colombia Peace Process.
Global Land Alliance Tackles how to Measure Capacity Development
As part of the Integrated Land and Resource Governance (ILRG) under USAID’s second Strengthening Tenure and Resource Rights project (STARR 2), Global Land Alliance, led by Cynthia Berning, teamed with TetraTech to think through how to best measure the results of the capacity development activities that are part of the project