the latest from Global Land Alliance: our programs, our partners and how we promote sustainable PROSPERITY of people and places
Malcolm Childress on Land Portal for Prindex
“Researchers, policymakers, donors, and citizens the world over will have access to data that gives all of us a truly global picture of what we believe to be an urgent challenge of the 21st century: insecure land and property rights.”
Prindex Team in Action at their 15-Country Data Launch
Malcolm Childress and the rest of the Prindex Global team in action as they launch unprecedented data on perceptions of property rights from 15 countries in Rome, Italy.
Espacio Feminista at Global Land Forum
Global Land Alliance partner Patricia Chaves of Espacio Feminista shared at the Global Land Forum 2018 today that the global meeting in Bandung, Indonesia underscores the need to have such a global network.
Leveraging the SDGs to Improve Womens Land Rights
Landesa published a document today which validates and offers a replication model of a collaboration between Espaço Feminista, Landesa, and Global Land Alliance to strenthen women’s land rights through local, women-led processes.
GLA Engagement in Haiti
Global Land Alliance began work with the Comité Interministériel d’Aménagement du Territoire (CIAT) on a study to examine the relationship between land tenure security and agricultural land use in Haiti
FAO Publishes "PRIndex: El índice Global de Derecho de tenencia"
A pesar de la importancia de los derechos de tenencia sobre la tierra, en realidad no sabemos cuántas personas en el mundo sufren de la falta de un acceso seguro y equitativo a la tierra y la vivienda, así como dónde se concentran estas carencias.
GLA at Social Production of Habitat Platform
We are excited to be a part of the collaborative efforts on community led housing solutions.
UAV Technical Demonstration with Forest County Potawatomi
Global Land Alliance (GLA), in collaboration with professors from the University of Florida’s Geomatics Department and the Forest County Potawatomi Community Land Information Department, conducted a hands-on, technical demonstration in northern Wisconsin this past June, 2018
Liderazgo con determinación, una necesidad del campo colombiano
Margarita Varón of Colombia Rural, a proud partner of Global Land Alliance, was interviewed for CUMBRE.
“Need better property rights and land tenure security data? Build in-country partnerships” David Ameyaw for ThisisPlace
David Ameyaw was published in a blog for This is Place today entitled “Need better property rights and land tenure security data? Build in-country partnerships” on the multitude of benefits and sustainability of country engagement.
Global Land Alliance at the 2018 World Bank Conference for Land and Poverty
Global Land Alliance have participated in the World Bank's 19th annual Conference on Land and Poverty, which presented the latest research and practice on the diversity of reforms, interventions, and innovations in the land sector around the world. The 2018 conference theme was 'Land Governance in an Interconnected World'.