the latest from Global Land Alliance: our programs, our partners and how we promote sustainable PROSPERITY of people and places
FCPF Publishes Opportunities for Strengthening Collective Land Tenure Rights in Carbon Fund Countries
A new report “Opportunity Assessment to Strengthen Collective Tenure Rights in Forest Carbon Partnership Facility Carbon Fund Countries” published by Forest Carbon Partnership Facility and the World Bank, identifies pathways for strengthening collective land tenure rights of IPLCs and features detailed Carbon Fund country profiles.
Fit-for-Purpose, Private-Sector Led Land Regularization and Financing of Informal Settlements in Brazil
GLA’s Malcolm Childress and Selina Carter and Fundação Getulio Vargas’s Edgard Barki were published in the academic journal Land for their article “Fit-for-Purpose, Private-Sector Led Land Regularization and Financing of Informal Settlements in Brazil”.
Global Land Alliance Parcel Post - May 2021
Global Land Alliance’s May 2021 edition of our Parcel Post contains articles entitled: “Honduras’ Overlapping Crises Have Their Roots in Land and Natural Resource Policy Failures”, “Perceptions Data Reveal Patterns of Tenure Insecurity in the Middle East and North Africa”, “Decentralizing Land Administration: Village Boundary Setting/Resource Mapping, Land Use Mapping and Community Sample Survey Activity in Indonesia”.
Why all Land Rights are Workers’ Rights
As we celebrate Workers’ Day tomorrow, hundreds of millions of the world’s poorest workers remain trapped in precarious poverty by land inequality and insecurity. Stronger rights and fairer access to land would give the most vulnerable – especially women – the solid ground they need to work their way out of poverty.
GLA Celebrates International Women's Day 2021
Global Land Alliance celebrates International Women’s Day 2021 and women’s rights to ownership and security of their land and natural resource rights. GLA strives to achieve sustainable prosperity for people and places; and gender equity is certainly a cornerstone of this work. Securing women’s land and property rights can increase agricultural productivity, incentivize the adoption of climate-resilient natural resource management and increase household spending on health and education. Conversely, when women face barriers to accessing, using or controlling land and other productive resources around the world, it not only puts them on an unequal footing in life, but it also restricts these wider positive social, economic and environmental outcomes.
Global Land Alliance and Cadasta jointly fund and support Village Boundary Setting and Land Use Mapping Initiatives of Yayasan Puter Indonesia.
Global Land Alliance and Cadasta Foundation are pleased to announce joint funding to, and collaboration with, Yayasan Puter Indonesia (Puter) to support a Village Boundary Setting/Resource Mapping, Land Use Mapping and Community Sample Survey (VBS-RM/LUM/CSS) activity in Labulia Village in the Jonggat Sub-District of Lombok Indonesia.
GLA Partners Publish "Lagos Urban Planning: Debunking Myths & Stereotypes"
Global Land Alliance partners at the Urban Planning Department of the University of Lagos recently published a booklet entitled “Lagos Urban Planning: Debunking Myths & Stereotypes”, organized and compiled by Rethinking Cities Initiative and the Heinrich Böll Stiftung. Global Land Alliance congratulates and highlights this accomplishment to better understand key issues to tenure and property rights in Lagos.
Global Land Alliance Parcel Post - October 2020
Global Land Alliance’s October edition of our Parcel Post contains articles entitled, “Community Participation and Inclusion during a Pandemic: Recent Experiences from around the World”, “Prindex Finds One Billion People Worldwide Are Insecure About Losing Their Property: Now Is The Time to Push For Accountability, Transparency and Monitoring” and an interview with expert Grenville Barnes. We are excited to share articles on these subjects here:
Land and property rights in East Asia and the Pacific: How can new data on citizens' perceptions help to improve tenure security?
Please join us on 12 November for an online event on land and property rights in East Asia and the Pacific. Secure land and property rights are crucial to economic growth and sustainable development. Improving tenure security is also important to the agendas of many global development institutions and donors working in East Asia and the Pacific. Until recently, however, there has been a lack of reliable data that is comparable across regions and countries.
Prindex Storymap: Global Perceptions of Land and Property Rights
In their recently published Storymap project, PlaceFund explores the way Prindex data can be used to create change. Drawing on the latest Prindex data and analysis, it does an excellent job in unpacking the Prindex finding that 1 billion people feel they are likely to lose their home or land in the next five years.
Prindex Comparative Data Cited in The Economist
The Economist published an article entitled “The Quest for Secure Property Rights in Africa” authored by KHAYELITSHA, which cites Prindex comparative data; demonstrating that especially in Sub-Saharan Africa formal titling is not the only answer to tenure and property security.
Prindex Presentation for the "Catastro y Registro en la Pandemia y la Pospandemia" Forum
On behalf of Global Land Alliance, Mónica Ribadeneira Sarmiento participated yesterday in a virtual forum organized by la Red Interamericana de Catastro y Registro de la Propiedad presenting Prindex methodology, uses and comparative data for the LAC region for the event "Catastro y Registro En la Pandemia y la Pospandemia". Miss the forum? Presentation is included below:
Watch the Prindex Global Launch Webinar
Miss the Prindex Global webinar on July 15, 2020 where we released data from 141 countries worldwide? Watch here:
Thomson Reuters Foundation Reports on Prindex Global Launch
July 15th Prindex Global released findings that nearly one billion people worldwide feel that they are at risk of losing their land or property. Thomson Reuters’ Zoe Tabary interviewed GLA’s Executive Director, and Prindex co-Director, Malcolm Childress on the importance of this data and continuing to cooperatively engage with local leaders, academics, politicians, land activists, and stakeholders around the world how to address the pandemic of insecure housing.
2019 Annual Report | Pathway To Prosperity: Reliance on Alliance
As we share the Global Land Alliance's 2019 Annual Report with you, we reflect on the core issues of security for land, shelter, and livelihoods that has been further underscored by the global COVID19 pandemic. These issues that GLA has been working towards since our founding six years ago. GLA continues to grow to advance sustainable prosperity for people and places in innovative and exciting ways, and continues to deliver this mission through a Reliance on our Alliance. GLA's alliance consists of individuals and organizations that share a common vision and mission.
Prindex Global Online Launch
Join us for the online launch of Prindex, the world’s first global survey measuring how secure people feel in their land and property rights, hosted by Land Portal. Having previously published data and analysis for 33 countries, Prindex is now poised to release its full global dataset of 140+ countries. The event is a chance to discuss the latest global findings and how they can contribute to a world where everyone feels secure in their land and property rights.
Cadasta Foundation and the Global Land Alliance Collaborate to Promote Land Tenure Security
Cadasta Foundation and Global Land Alliance (GLA) are pleased to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on April 17th, 2020 to mutually support and advocate for land tenure security for vulnerable and marginalized communities around the world.
Pandemics, Property, and Planning
The current pandemic brings concepts of property to the foreground. Stay at home orders, social distancing, commercial closures, draconian border control, the interruption of air travel (to use just a few examples) are about how space is to be used, about new mandates for (most commonly) restrictions to commons, public, and private property, and often very intense social controversy over who gets to set the rules for property use. How property is understood and treated in the planning process will now be one of our key issues going forward. In Pandemics, Property, and Planning a global group of scholars reflect on the pandemic’s meaning and implications through the lens of land-based property rights and spatial planning.
50th Anniversary of Earth Day
This Earth Day marks the 50th Anniversary of a dedicated event to promote advocacy and education of environmental protection and our planet’s ecosystems. Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson established the first Earth Day event in 1970, which sparked Washington D.C. to adapt the Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act and the Environmental Protection Agency.
International Women's Day 2020
Global Land Alliance celebrates International Womens day 2020 in recognizing the intersectional leadership and action of women globally for land and property recognition. This year, we are highlighting unintended consequences of land tenure formalization that impact women involved in informal unions.