the latest from Global Land Alliance: our programs, our partners and how we promote sustainable PROSPERITY of people and places
Four ways to Democratise Research on Urban Land Rights
Nigerian politicians like to talk about creating ‘megacities,’ but it’s hard for people living in the country’s slums to see their place in this vision of the future. Voiceless in the policy debate, their homes get bulldozed in the name of urban regeneration. Making them owners instead of subjects of research on urban land rights could give them the direct line to policymakers they so desperately need.
Fit-for-Purpose, Private-Sector Led Land Regularization and Financing of Informal Settlements in Brazil
GLA’s Malcolm Childress and Selina Carter and Fundação Getulio Vargas’s Edgard Barki were published in the academic journal Land for their article “Fit-for-Purpose, Private-Sector Led Land Regularization and Financing of Informal Settlements in Brazil”.
GLA Partners Publish "Lagos Urban Planning: Debunking Myths & Stereotypes"
Global Land Alliance partners at the Urban Planning Department of the University of Lagos recently published a booklet entitled “Lagos Urban Planning: Debunking Myths & Stereotypes”, organized and compiled by Rethinking Cities Initiative and the Heinrich Böll Stiftung. Global Land Alliance congratulates and highlights this accomplishment to better understand key issues to tenure and property rights in Lagos.
2019 Annual Report | Pathway To Prosperity: Reliance on Alliance
As we share the Global Land Alliance's 2019 Annual Report with you, we reflect on the core issues of security for land, shelter, and livelihoods that has been further underscored by the global COVID19 pandemic. These issues that GLA has been working towards since our founding six years ago. GLA continues to grow to advance sustainable prosperity for people and places in innovative and exciting ways, and continues to deliver this mission through a Reliance on our Alliance. GLA's alliance consists of individuals and organizations that share a common vision and mission.
Pandemics, Property, and Planning
The current pandemic brings concepts of property to the foreground. Stay at home orders, social distancing, commercial closures, draconian border control, the interruption of air travel (to use just a few examples) are about how space is to be used, about new mandates for (most commonly) restrictions to commons, public, and private property, and often very intense social controversy over who gets to set the rules for property use. How property is understood and treated in the planning process will now be one of our key issues going forward. In Pandemics, Property, and Planning a global group of scholars reflect on the pandemic’s meaning and implications through the lens of land-based property rights and spatial planning.
GLA's Malcolm Childress interviewed by Devex on Launch of PlaceFund
GLA’s Malcolm Childress was interviewed by Catherine Cheney for DEVEX on the launch of a spinoff of Omidyar Network called PlaceFund, spun out of the property rights initiative at Omidyar Network, the philanthropic investment firm launched by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar.
Terra Nova and Global Land Alliance Partner to Scale Proven Property Rights Mediation Model
Curitiba, Brazil – Terra Nova, an organization that documents land ownership in order to improve quality of life in Brazilian settlements, and Global Land Alliance announced today a partnership to scale a proven model for mediating between land owners and favela occupants in Brazil and to develop a historical database for research purposes
New Film “PUSH” Exposes Worldwide Trends and the Engines of Displacement
In her documentary film PUSH, Leilani Farha, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing, reveals the human toll that global gentrification trends are taking, by capturing the personal testaments of those living in cities around the world who are experiencing the particular kind of housing insecurity that results from these trends.
Recovery, Land Titles and Displacement: Community Reflections in Puerto Rico
Last month, 35 community leaders from 10 countries across the Global South gathered in Puerto Rico to learn about Community Land Trusts (CLTs)
CLT Center at Ground Solutions Network Conference
The CLT Center joins community leaders from across the US and world as participants in Intersections 2018, hosted by Grounded Solutions Network happening October 1-4th. Excited to build partnerships and knowledge sharing in lasting affordability, community land trust, diversity, equity, inclusion and sustainability.
GLA at Social Production of Habitat Platform
We are excited to be a part of the collaborative efforts on community led housing solutions.