Communications Specialist Consultancy - Prindex Initiative

Global Land Alliance is contracting a part-time communications specialist to implement the communications strategy for its Prindex initiative. The main role of the communications specialist is to communicate and engage core audiences around Prindex's findings on citizens’ perceptions of tenure security in 100+ countries. 

The Prindex initiative published its first global dataset in 2020 on 140 countries – the first of its kind. It is due to launch its second round of global data from 108 countries in October 2024, highlighting whether people’s tenure security has improved or worsened over the last four years, pre- and post-COVID. This will be a critical period for communications and engagement. 

The position would be responsible for the following areas:

  1. Prindex website: oversee the re-development of the website by an external development agency, ensuring all project deliverables are met in full and on time. This includes serving as the primary focal point for all communication and collaboration with the vendor; providing guidance and feedback to the vendor; and securing the input of relevant Prindex staff and stakeholders at key points, driving timely decision-making.

  2. Core messaging: work with the Prindex team to develop core messaging that effectively communicates Prindex’s latest findings and the need for and value of this data.

  3. Website copy: utilising the core messaging, develop new copy for the website to announce the launch and high-level findings of the latest global dataset.

  4. Report review: review the text and design of two reports to ensure accessibility, clarity and brand alignment. Conduct a copy edit of the reports or support an external vendor to take on this task.

  5. Launch promotion: Drawing from an existing workplan, create and disseminate a multi-channel promotional kit to amplify the launch of the new global dataset and drive registration for the corresponding hybrid launch event. This includes creating social media graphics; drafting copy for website, listserv and email announcements; identifying and submitting content to relevant listservs and sites; updating presentation slidedecks; and eliciting the support of allied organizations and individuals in amplifying the content. 

  6. Event support: provide event communications and logistical support for the hybrid launch event which will take place at the CFS in Rome in October 2024. This may include developing a run of show, liaising with speakers, coordinating the set-up of a hosting platform for virtual attendees, drafting reminders and a post-event follow-up for registrants, and tracking event metrics.

  7. Ongoing content development and thought leadership: Drawing from the working communications strategy, lead the ongoing (pre and post-launch) ideation and development of content and activities that raise the profile of Prindex around key themes, events and opportunities (e.g. COP16, International Women’s Day) and demonstrate the relevance of tenure security and the value of Prindex’s data and analysis. This may include supporting the production of a short video; developing social media content; drafting or editing blogs, opinion articles, case studies, and listicles; securing testimonials; and identifying speaking and other engagement opportunities.

  8. Donor reporting & fundraising support: Review donor reports and fundraising proposals for clarity and effectiveness and provide supporting content. Content will include lists of mentions and citations of Prindex (to be compiled through regular monitoring and research) and summaries on the uptake of Prindex data. 

The six-month contract will commence on July 8, 2024 (or as soon as possible, not exceeding July 22th) with a predicted level of effort of 12-16 hours of work a week for six months, with the option of an extension. The days and hours are flexible, with the exceptions of meetings with Prindex colleagues, partners and vendors which will take place during the regular work week (Monday - Friday, 8-5pm GMT). There is an option for the contract to be extended, upon agreement of both parties and availability of funding. 

Anyone interested should send their CV to

Christen Corcoran