Prindex as a Useful Tool to Support Rebuilding and Recovering in Post-Conflict Aleppo: Publication

Global Land Alliance's Shahd Mustafa, Malcolm Childress and Cynthia Berning were published in this month's journal of "Reviving Aleppo". Their article, entitled "Perception of Tenure Security, a Helpful Tool in the Recovery and Rebuilding of Post-conflict Aleppo", discussed the potential benefits of using Prindex as a tool for rebuilding and recovering the post-conflict city.

Abstract and link to full journal below:


Conflict has left Aleppo greatly damaged and has displaced many people. The rebuilding process requires secure tenure rights from the start, to motivate citizens to invest in rebuilding. The Global Land Alliance’s Property Rights Index (“Prindex”) rigorously measures people’s perceptions of their own property rights. The Prindex questionnaire and methodology, adapted to the Aleppo context, can provide a snapshot of the state of informality and insecurity at this pivotal stage, identifying displacement patterns and key drivers of insecurity, helping policy makers know what to address in the process of rebuilding and recovery in post-disaster situations.

Christen Corcoran